Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Alcohol Treatment Center Can Save Your Life

Stopping cold turkey if you have been a heavy drinker without the help of an alcoholtreatment center is painful and even life threatening.  The effects of alcohol withdrawals during alcohol detox are the single largest reasons that alcoholics or those that regularly abuse alcohol never get sober.  The environment provided by an alcohol treatment center is not only a secure way to get sober, the certified professionals at the alcohol treatment center may possibly you with the skills required to stay sober past your alcohol detox. 
Psychological symptoms of alcohol withdrawals during alcohol detox can include bad dreams, nervousness, shakiness, irritability, anxiety, and depression.  Physical symptoms of alcohol withdrawals during alcohol detox can include nausea and vomiting, headaches,  insomnia, rapid heart rate, abnormal movements, tremor of the hands (AKA “the shakes”), and loss of appetite.  This lists just the lesser effects of alcohol withdrawal during alcohol detox, but if not experienced while surrounded by the security given by an alcohol treatment center they can be usually complicated to cause an alcoholic to just continue drinking to ease the misery and pain of their withdrawals.
Quitting cold turkey without the aid of an alcohol treatment center if you have been misusing alcohol for a long period of time can cause severe alcohol withdrawals during your alcohol detox.  Severe alcohol withdrawal symptoms during an alcohol detox for anyone whose person has become physically dependent upon alcohol can include a state of hallucinations and confusion known as delirium tremens (AKA “the DT’s), seizures, high fever, and even death.  The critical element to getting sober in a comfortable setting and preventing the severe effects of alcohol detox is to enlist the aid of an alcohol treatment center.
An alcohol treatment center will provide detox medications such as benzodiazepines (mild sedatives) which will prevent the effects of withdrawals during alcohol detox.  The alcohol treatment center will also supply you with nutrient supplements (vitamins) that will reduce alcohol detox symptoms like the shakes.  Certified alcohol detox service establishments like those given by an alcohol treatment center usually make up a seven day period during which certified professionals will monitor your vital signs and prevent the more severe effects of alcohol detox from endangering your life.   Additionally, by going into an alcoholtreatment center to undergo your alcohol detox you won't be surrounded by the people, places, and things that usually trigger your drinking.
An alcohol treatment center and an alcohol detox are just the first step in your journey of recovery from what is more than likely years of alcohol abuse.  When you take advantage of the support of the certified professionals at the alcohol treatment center you will not only ease the misery and pain of your alcohol detox (and possibly save your life), you will also learn what the next steps are in your journey of sobriety.

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